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C Programming

C Programming


If you are a student wanting to learn C programming, or an adult learner simply researching C programming courses. This course will teach you to program the C language from the ground up. You will learn everything from the very fundamentals of programming right through to the complexities of pointers, addresses and File IO. Maybe you've tried to master C before but failed. Or maybe you are new to C or new to programming. If so, this is the course for you!

Course Objective

  • The fundamentals of programming – from the ground up
  • How to program on a Linux or on Windows
  • The nitty-gritty details of the C language
  • Advanced topics such as memory allocation, the stack and heap, and binary file IO


  • Student should be curious
  • Have some basic knowledge of computer


  • Introduction to C Programming
  • History of C
  • Data Types basics
  • The Decision Control Statement
  • The LoopControl Structure
  • The Case Control Structure
  • Function And Pointer
  • Data Types advance
  • The C Processor
  • Arrays
  • Puppetting on Strings
  • Structures
  • Console I/O
  • File I/O
  • More Issues on I/O
  • Operations On Bits
  • Miscellaneous Features
  • C Under Windows
  • Windows Programming
  • Graphics Under Windows
  • Interaction With Hardware
  • C Under Linux

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