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EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer




EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer lays the foundation required by all application developers and development organizations to produce applications with greater stability and fewer security risks to the consumer. The Certified Secure Application Developer standardizes the knowledge base for application development by incorporating the best practices followed by experienced experts in the various domains.

Course Objective

  • Familiarize you with .Net Application Security, ASP.Net Security Architecture, Java security principles and help you understand the need for application security and common security threats to .Net framework
  • Discuss security attacks on .Net framework, Java,ava Security Platform, Sandbox, JVM, Class loading, Bytecode verifier, Security Manager, security policies, Java Security Framework and explain the secure software development life cycle
  • Help you to understand common threats to .Net assemblies, Java framework and familiarize you with stack walking processes
  • Discuss the need for input validation, various input validation approaches, common input validation attacks, validation control vulnerabilities, and best practices for input validation
  • Explain symmetric and asymmetric encryption, hashing concepts, digital certificates, digital and XML signatures
  • Examine file handling concepts, file handling security concerns, path traversal attacks on file handling, and defensive techniques against path traversal attack
  • Understand information security controls, laws and standards


  • Candidate should have complete knowledge of Java & .Net
  • Good Understanding of OOPS.
  • It is recommended that candidate should have knowledge of Socket Programming.


ECSP JAVA Brochure:


ECSP .NET Brochure:



  • Introduction to Ethical Hacking
  • Footprinting and Reconnaissance
  • Scanning Networks
  • Enumeration
  • System Hacking
  • Malware Threats
  • Sniffing
  • Social Engineering
  • Denial of Service
  • Session Hijacking
  • Hacking Web servers
  • Hacking Web Applications
  • SQL Injection
  • Hacking Wireless Networks
  • Hacking Mobile Platforms
  • Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cryptography

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